Health Sciences Librarian:
Duties and responsibilities:
A health sciences librarian’s duty is to collect and
organize medical information. They also help practitioners find the information
they need for their care, education, research, and administration. Librarians
are set to acquire books, journals, and other materials over the library. They’re
also in charge of any electronic information on the system. They coordinate and
control budgets and library technicians. Library technicians help organize
anything out of order in the library.
Average salary: $20,000 - $30,000 (library technicians)
$35,000 - $55,000 (librarians)
Educational requirements:
Should have a undergraduate degree in one of the life
sciences and must earn a master’s degree in library science from a program by
the American Library Association.
Reflection: um no I would totally not like to be a health
science librarian because I don’t like being in quiet places. (x